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VGI joins hands with Saha for more Lawson 108 outlets at BTS stations
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2019
VGI Global Media PCL on Friday signed a deal for a joint venture company with Saha Lawson Co Ltd and Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc to open Lawson 108 stores at its mass-transit platforms, including BTS stations.
Jetts open fitness Bangkok centres
Jetts 24 Hour Fitness has secured three new locations in the heart of Bangkok’s central business district with all three close to BTS stations. throughout the year, Jetts will have 24 clubs up and running by the end of 2019. As a result, the company says it continues to be the fastest growing operator on the Thai fitness market.
BTS stations crowded as signal system breaks down during rush-hour
MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2018
Passengers cried foul as Bangkok’s entire Skytrain network was hit by signal malfunctioning, causing overcrowding at the worst possible time of the week -- Monday morning rush-hour.
Grand Unity turns focus to sites adjacent to BTS stations
Grand Unity Development, a leading condominium developer and part of the listed Univentures group of companies, plans for 2018 market expansion in greater Bangkok by utilising areas strategically located right next to the BTS Skytrain network.
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